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Uber said it had received 3,824 reports of sexual assault in 2019 and 2020, including 141 reports of rape. Likewise, Lyft release a report in 2021 saying that it had received 4,158 reports of sexual assault from 2017-2019. While ridesharing is usually safe, these self-reported statistics indicate that ridesharing can still be dangerous, especially for women.

If you have been sexually assaulted in a rideshare car, you are likely trying to deal with the trauma of the experience and figure out what to do next. It is important that you seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you do not feel like it at the time. You may also want to consider reporting the incident to local law enforcement and/or your rideshare company so that they can investigate further and take action against whoever was responsible for assaulting you.

It is important to remember that there are steps you can take to seek justice for the assault, whether it was committed by a fellow passenger or driver of the rideshare service. It is important that you consult an experienced sexual assault personal injury attorney who can advise you on your legal rights and options. An attorney can help you identify potential parties to hold liable, including the driver, the rideshare company, or another third party involved in facilitating the ride.

You may be entitled to compensation for any physical or emotional injuries you suffered as well as any property damage that occurred during the assault. You could also pursue punitive damages from those responsible for your injury if they acted with malice or reckless disregard for safety.

An experienced sexual assault personal injury attorney will have experience handling rideshare cases such as yours and can help ensure that you receive justice and fair compensation for your suffering. Don’t try to take on this process alone – seek out compassionate but knowledgeable legal assistance so that you can pursue the justice and compensation you deserve.

Seeking Justice Through Civil Courts

Most people understand that when a crime is committed, the person responsible can be prosecuted through the criminal justice system. However, victims of sexual assault in rideshare cars may also be able to pursue justice through the civil court system, depending on the circumstances. In a civil lawsuit, you can seek financial compensation for your injuries and other damages caused by the assault. It is important to consult an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss your legal options so that you can make the best decision for yourself.

In Florida, you file a personal injury lawsuit within four years of the date the assault occurred. This might be extended if it is shown that the perpetrator was a minor at the time of the offense.

Having an experienced attorney to guide you through this process can be invaluable in handling your case properly and getting you the justice and compensation you deserve. An attorney with experience in rideshare sexual assault cases will understand all applicable laws so they can help build a strong case against those responsible for your suffering. They will review all available evidence, work to identify potentially liable parties, and determine how much compensation may be sought to cover any medical costs and other damages resulting from the incident.

Do not try to face off with a rideshare company on your own. Having a qualified attorney on your side will give you the best chance of receiving fair compensation for your suffering.

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted in a rideshare car, contact an experienced sexual assault personal injury attorney as soon as possible to discuss your legal rights and options. At Michell & West LLC, we understand the trauma that victims of sexual assault have gone through and are here to help. Our compassionate and knowledgeable attorneys will do everything they can to ensure you receive justice and fair compensation for your suffering.

What to Do Immediately After the Incident

If you have been sexually assaulted while in a rideshare car, there are several steps you should take immediately after the incident, including:

  • Call 911 to report the assault and ask for medical attention. It is important that you seek medical care even if you do not feel like it at the time – getting checked out will ensure your safety and help document any injuries related to the assault.
  • You should also contact your rideshare company either through their customer service number or app to let them know what happened and ask them to take action against whoever was responsible for assaulting you.
  • Make sure you preserve evidence such as clothing, messages, and other items that may have been involved in the assault.
  • Make sure that you write down all pertinent information such as details of the incident, the driver’s name and license plate number, and any other information you can remember.
  • Finally, contact an experienced sexual assault personal injury attorney to discuss your legal rights and options so that you have the best chance of getting the justice and compensation you deserve.

What Kind of Compensation Can You Seek?

Depending on the facts of your case, you may be able to seek a variety of types of compensation in a civil court action.

This could include:

  • Medical costs related to injuries sustained during the assault
  • Lost wages if you had to take time off work due to your injuries or emotional trauma
  • Pain and suffering for both physical and emotional harm
  • Punitive damages if it is determined that the individuals responsible acted with malice or reckless disregard for safety

At Michell & West LLC, we are committed to helping victims of sexual assault in rideshare cars get the justice and compensation they deserve. We understand the trauma that victims have gone through and will do everything we can to ensure you receive a fair outcome for your suffering.

Contact us online or call us at (305) 783-3301 for a free consultation with an experienced attorney who can answer your questions and help you determine the best legal options for your case.
