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Car Crash

A car accidents can be a terrifying experience, and the aftermath of an accident is often overwhelming. Not only may you be recovering from injuries, but the burden of medical bills, car repair costs, and even lost income can make it feel like you’re in over your head.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a car crash, it’s important to remember that help is available. A personal injury attorney can assist you with navigating the legal process involved in getting the compensation you deserve after a car accident.

In this blog, we will discuss 5 steps you can take after a car crash that can help ensure that you have a stronger legal case:

#1. Seek Medical Attention

The most important thing to do after a car crash is seek medical attention. The aftermath of a car crash can be chaotic and disorienting, and it’s not uncommon for people to fail to realize they are injured. Even if you don’t think that you have been injured, it’s essential to get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.

The shock of an accident can mask the symptoms of injuries and make them difficult to detect in the moment. Additionally, some injuries may not be immediately apparent but can worsen over time without proper treatment. A medical professional will be able to diagnose any potential issues and provide treatment.

If you are injured and didn’t immediately get medical attention, insurance representatives might argue that your injuries are unrelated to the accident. Ensuring that you have documentation from a medical professional that testifies to your injuries can help prove that your injuries were sustained during the crash.

#2. Document the Scene of the Crash

You should take photos, gather witness statements, and obtain contact information from those involved in the accident. If you are unable to do so, you should direct a family member, close friend, or legal representative to do so as soon as possible following the accident.

It is essential to document the scene of a car crash as records will likely serve as vital evidence when it comes time to determine responsibility and liability for the accident. Photos of property damage as well as witness accounts can help establish liability and demonstrate how an accident occurred. Additionally, it’s important to obtain insurance information from all drivers involved so that claims can be filed accordingly.

If possible, it’s best to collect this data before leaving the scene of a crash so that no details are forgotten or overlooked. Of course, ensuring your safety and timely medical treatment is always paramount.

#3. Keep Records of All Expenses

In addition to gathering evidence at the scene of a car crash, it’s important to keep records of all expenses related to the accident and its aftermath. This includes medical bills, car repair costs, and any other expenses resulting from the accident. Keeping accurate records can help ensure you are able to receive the full compensation you deserve for your injuries or property damage.

It is essential that documentation of all expenses be kept in an organized manner so that they can easily be referenced when needed. This includes keeping copies of receipts as well as detailed notes regarding conversations with insurance companies or medical professionals. If you’re unsure if something is relevant, keep it and consult your attorney who should know what will be helpful.

Additionally, victims should also keep track of any time missed from work due to their injury or recovery process so they can receive additional compensation for these damages as well. By taking these steps and staying organized throughout the process, victims will have more options available when seeking damages related to a car crash.

#4. Don’t Accept a Settlement Offer Without Consulting with an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

It’s important to remember that insurance companies may try to offer victims settlements that are far less than they deserve to avoid paying out larger amounts. While it can be tempting to take an offered settlement, it is essential that victims consult with an attorney prior to accepting any offers from an insurance company.

A car accident attorney will have the knowledge and experience necessary to ensure you receive the full compensation for your injuries or property damage. They can review settlement offers and advise on whether they are fair or if other options should be explored instead.

Additionally, an attorney can also assist with filing claims and navigating legal proceedings if that becomes necessary. By consulting with an experienced lawyer before taking any action, victims can rest assured knowing their rights are being protected throughout the process.

#5. Contact Mitchell & West LLC for Help

Navigating the legal process after a car crash can be confusing and overwhelming, especially when you’re already dealing with so much. It can be difficult for victims to know what steps to take to receive full compensation for their injuries.

At Mitchell & West LLC, our team of experienced attorneys has extensive knowledge when it comes to dealing with car accident claims. We understand how overwhelming this process can be and are committed to providing personalized service for each of our clients. Our lawyers will work diligently on your behalf to ensure you get the best possible outcome from any legal proceedings related to your accident.

If you’ve been in a car accident and are seeking compensation for your injuries, it’s important that you act soon to ensure that your claim is filed within the Florida statute of limitations.

Contact us online or call us at (305) 783-3301 to schedule a consultation.
