Miami Building Collapse Lawyers
Protecting Those Injured by Building Accidents in Florida
Building Accidents Affect Citizens
Even if you are not a construction worker, you can be injured in a construction accident. When a structure is completed, it can still pose a danger. Buildings can collapse from age, mismanagement, or poor design. When they do, and innocent people are harmed, they can seek compensation for their injuries.
When it becomes necessary, Mitchell & West LLC can help you file a personal injury lawsuit. Civil courts are designed to provide compensation, or “damages,” to those who were injured by another’s negligence. In a personal injury case, you can receive damages to cover the cost of your medical bills. You could have lost wages reimbursed, and/or you could be compensated for your pain and suffering.
With over 100 years of combined experience, we can help you pursue damages after a building collapse. Call (305) 783-3301 today.
Liability in a Building Collapse
Mitchell & West LLC can investigate the history of a structure that caused you harm. It is possible that the original builders took shortcuts. Perhaps there were flaws in the building’s original design. If we uncover such facts, we can bring action against the original construction company.
Maybe a sound building was allowed to fall into disrepair. This is the fault of management, especially if they were warned of structural dangers and waited too long to respond. Through civil action, we can help hold them accountable.
An unsound structure could be the fault of the city itself. Poor upkeep of infrastructure in surrounding areas could create hazardous, unsound buildings. Taking action against a government entity is tricky. There are sovereign immunity laws that help protect a municipality and restrict compensatory damages. With our experience, we may be able to meet the government’s rigid requirements and file a lawsuit.
Wrongful Death
If you lost someone in a structural failure, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit. This is a kind of personal injury suit where the injured does not survive. Damages are first awarded to the estate to compensate for end-of-life expenses, such as burial fees. Once the estate is reimbursed, the remaining damages can be awarded to the family and others named in the will.
Survivors can be compensated for medical expenses related to the deceased and funeral expenses. They may also receive damages for their mental distress. The loss of a loved one includes the direct, pragmatic loss of support at home. Perhaps the deceased managed the house or finances. Survivors may also seek compensation for this loss, which can help provide relief while people adjust to a new life without their loved one.
There will be a personal representative, or PR, who handles the deceased’s estate. This person could be named in a will or appointed by the court. Their job is to pay off leftover bills and distribute assets to surviving loved ones. In Florida, only the PR can file a wrongful death lawsuit.
If you’ve been harmed by an unsound structure, contact us today. Our number is (305) 783-3301, and you can fill out a contact form online.

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